English: Contoh Invitation

October 28, 2013

Pada postingan kali ini, ingin berbagi tentang contoh invitation. sedikit gambaran tentang contoh invitation semoga dapat bermanfaat. berikut contoh invitation yang bisa aku bagi :)

To         : Tunggal Pambuko Nugroho
Address   : Ngawi

Dear My Friends,
How are you friends? Do you remember me? I’m your lost classmate.

Tomorrow, I will celebrate my 19th birthday party and I want to invite you in my special moment on
Date      : Sunday, October 20th 2013
Time       : 07.00 p.m.
Place      : Red Café
Dress code: casual and full color

Without you, isn’t impression. So, come and enjoy it with us in here.

Your Sincerely

Gita Ramadhani P.

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thank you ^^